8085 Microprocessor MCQ

41. The offset of a particular segment varies from _________

  1. 000h to fffh
  2. 0000h to ffffh
  3. 00h to ffh
  4. 00000h to fffffh

Answer: 2. 0000h to ffffh


For any particular segment address, the offset address can vary within a 64 – KB range, from 0000H through FFFFH.


42. Which are the factor of cache memory?

  1. the architecture of the microprocessor
  2. properties of the programs being executed
  3. size organization of the cache
  4. all of these

Answer: 4. all of these


The cache performance is completely dependent on the system and software. In software, the processor checks out each loop and if a duplicate is found in the cache memory, immediately it is accessed.

The factor of cache memory is

  1. The architecture of the microprocessor
  2. Properties of the programs being executed
  3. Size organization of the cache


43. ________ is usually the first level of memory access by the microprocessor.

  1. cache memory
  2. data memory
  3. main memory
  4. all of these

Answer: 1. cache memory


cache memory is usually the first level of memory access by the microprocessor.  Cache memory also called cache, supplementary memory system that temporarily stores frequently used instructions and data for quicker processing by the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer.


44. Microprocessor references that is not available in the cache is called ________

  1. cache hits
  2. cache line
  3. cache misses
  4. cache memory

Answer: 3. cache misses


Microprocessor references that are not available in the cache are called cache misses.

A cache miss is an event in which a system or application makes a request to retrieve data from a cache, but that specific data is not currently in cache memory. Contrast this to a cache hit, in which the requested data is successfully retrieved from the cache.


45. Which causes the microprocessor to immediately terminate its present activity?

  1. reset signal
  2. interrupt signal
  3. both
  4. none of these

Answer: 1. reset signal


The reset signal causes the microprocessor to immediately terminate its present activity. Hardware is not capable of doing the initialization on its own, so a reset is used to initialize the hardware in the beginning.


46. Which is responsible for all the outside world communication by the microprocessor?

  1. biu
  2. piu
  3. tiu
  4. liu

Answer: 1. BIU


The Bus Interface Unit (BIU): It provides the interface of 8086 to external memory and I/O devices via the System Bus. BIU is responsible for all the outside world communication by the microprocessor.


47. INTR: it implies the__________ signal:

  1. interrupt request
  2. interrupt right
  3. interrupt rongh
  4. interrupt reset

Answer: 1. interrupt request


INTR implies the interrupt request signal.

INTR is a maskable interrupt, having the lowest priority among all interrupts. It can be disabled by resetting the microprocessor. The microprocessor checks the status of the INTR signal during the execution of each instruction.


48. Which of the following are the two main components of the CPU?

  1. control unit and registers
  2. registers and main memory
  3. control unit and alu
  4. alu and bus

Answer: 3. control unit and alu


Control unit and alu are the two main components of the CPU.

The central processing unit (CPU) consists of six main components:
  • control unit (CU)
  • arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
  • registers.
  • cache.
  • buses.
  • clock.


49. The language that the computer can understand and execute is called

  1. machine language
  2. application software
  3. system program
  4. all of the above

Answer: 1. machine language


The language that the computer can understand and execute is called machine language.


50. Which of the following is used as a primary storage device?

  1. magnetic drum
  2. prom
  3. floppy disk
  4. all of these

Answer: 2. prom


Prom is used as a primary storage device. A programmable read-only memory (PROM) is a form of digital memory where the contents can be changed once after manufacturing the device.

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