A 60 Hz, 320 km lossless line has Bending end voltage 1.0 p.u, The receiving end voltage with no load is

A 60 Hz, 320 km lossless line has bending end voltage 1.0 p.u, The receiving end voltage with no load is

Right Answer is:

1.087 p.u.


For Loss-less line at no-load:

Vs = Vr.coshγl……………..(1)


γl = jωl√LC

ω = 2πf

∴ coshγl = cos(jωl√L C) = cos(wl√L C)

= cos(2πfl√L C)…………..(2)

In the above question

frequency is given = 60 Hz
Length of transmission i.e l = 320 km

The time take for the surge to travel distance T =(x/v) s


x is the distance

v is the velocity of the surge which is equal to 3 x 108 m/s

Distance given 600km which is equal to 6 x 105 m therefore,

(320 × 103 / 3 × 108 ) = 0.001 s

Putting all the value in equation number 2 we get

coshγl = cos(2π × 60 × 320 × 1000 / 3 × 108) = 0.92

⇒Putting the above value in equation number 1 we get

= Vr = Vs/coshγl

= 1 / 0.92 = 1.087 pu

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