Find the approximate collector current in the given transistor circuit. (Take current gain, β = 100)

Find the approximate collector current in the given transistor circuit. (Take current gain, β = 100) Find the approximate collector current in the given transistor circuit.

Right Answer is:

1 mA


For a transistor, the base current, the emitter current, and the collector current are related as:

IE = IB + IC

where IC = β IB

β = Current gain of the transistor

Find the approximate collector current in the given transistor circuit.

From the given figure, Apply KVL

10 – IB× RB – VBE = 0

Let us assume VBE = 0.7 V

10 – IB (1× 106) – 0.7 = 0

IB = 9.3 μA

We know that,

IC = β IB


IC  & IB = collector current and base current


IC = 100 × 9.3 μA

= 930 μA

= 0.93 mA

≈ 1 mA

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