Belt conveyors offer

Belt conveyors offer

Right Answer is:

High starting torque


Belt Conveyors are designed to carry a wide variety of bulk materials and packed bags, boxes, pouches, etc for various industries. Belt conveyors are economical and efficient conveying of materials over long distances, either in horizontal or limited inclines. It conveys a high capacity of materials for lumpy ore stone, coal, and wood logs. 

The coal or other material is transported using conveyors. In the event the conveyors stop with coal (or other material on them), it will require a substantial amount of torque to start the conveyor belt when it is loaded with coal. The design of the conveyor motor should look at the instance when the conveyor starts loaded to ensure it can successfully start the conveyor in this condition due to the higher mechanical starting torque that the conveyor requires when loaded with material.

The belt conveyors have the ability to provide nearly continuous-flow transportation which enables the modern continuous mining machines to operate at maximum efficiency. Also, because the amount of material transported on a conveyor system depends on the belt speed, belt width, and weight of the material transported, belt conveyors can operate over a wide range of capacities. Another advantage of belt conveyor systems is the fact that they can be utilized in level or pitching terrain either underground or on the surface.

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