Braking of Electric Motor MCQ [Free PDF] – Objective Question Answer for Braking of Electric Motor Quiz

131. Calculate the flux produced by the DC shunt field winding using the following data: Ia=5 A, IL=11, R=2, N=4.

A. 14 Wb
B. 12 Wb
C. 17 Wb
D. 18 Wb

Answer: B

In the DC shunt motor, field windings are connected in parallel with the armature circuit.

IF=IL-Ia=11-5=6 A.



∅=F÷R=12 wb.   


132. The shape of the speed-armature current characteristics in the DC shunt motor is __________

A. Hyperbolic
B. Parabola
C. Negative slope linear line
D. Ellipse

Answer: C

The shape of the speed-armature current characteristics in the DC shunt motor is a negative slope linear line. The motor equation is



N vs Ia is a negative slope line with slope = -Ra/Km.   


133. The shape of the speed-torque characteristics in the DC shunt motor is __________

A. Rectangular Hyperbolic
B. Whole x-y plane
C. Circle
D. Ellipse

Answer: A

The shape of the speed-torque characteristics in the DC shunt motor is a rectangular hyperbola. The motor equation is



Ia∝√T .



134. DC shunt motors are used where the high _________ is required.

A. Starting torque
B. Maximum torque
C. Minimum torque
D. Breakdown torque

Answer: A

DC series motors are used where a high starting torque is required. At starting the torque produced by DC series motor is very high.   


135. The shape of the current-torque characteristics in DC shunt motor is __________

A. Rectangular Hyperbola
B. Parabola
C. Straight line
D. Ellipse

Answer: C

The shape of the current-torque characteristics in the DC shunt motor is a straight line. The motor equation is




Torque ∝ Ia.   


136. The relationship between the torque(T) and power(P) developed in the DC shunt motor is ___________ (Neglecting all the losses)

A. T ∝ √P
B. T ∝ P2
C. T ∝ ∛P
D. T ∝ P

Answer: D

The torque developed in the DC shunt motor is the ratio of power developed and the angular

speed of the motor


T ∝ P.   


137. The value of current at time of starting is ___________

A. High
B. Low
C. Very low
D. 0

Answer: A

At the time of starting the motor is at rest. The e.m.f developed in the motor is zero.

Ia×Ra = Vt-Eb. Ia=Vt÷Ra.

The starting current is very high about 10-15 times of full load current.   


138. Calculate the bandwidth in a series RLC circuit if the frequency is 20 Hz and the quality factor is 5.

A. 2 Hz
B. 4 Hz
C. 6 Hz
D. 8 Hz

Answer: B

Bandwidth is defined as the range of frequencies for which the signal exists. Selectivity is inversely proportional to the bandwidth.

B.W(Hz)=f÷Q=20÷5=4 Hz.   


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