MOS Circuits Area Capacitance and Delay Unit MCQ Quiz – Objective Question with Answer for MOS Circuits Area Capacitance and Delay Unit

11. The typical value of capacitance in pF × 10-4/µm2 for gate to channel in λ based design is?

A. 1
B. 0.4
C. 0.2
D. 4

Answer: D

The gate to channel capacitance in λ based design is 4 pF × 10-4/µm2.


12. The active capacitance is also called as __________

A. Parasitic capacitance
B. Interconnect capacitance
C. Junction capacitance
D. Diffusion capacitance

Answer: D

Diffusion capacitance is also called as active capacitance.


13. The value of diffusion capacitance in pF x 10-4/µm2 in 2 µm design is?

A. 1.75
B. 4
C. 8
D. 16

Answer: C

Diffusion capacitance has a value of 8 pF × 10-4/µm2.


14. The value of a standard unit of capacitance is?

A. 0.01pF
B. 0.0032pF
C. 0.0023pF
D. All of the mentioned

Answer: D

The value of the standard unit of capacitance depends on the design style used.


15. The standard unit of capacitance is defined as?

A. Capacitance of gate to channel of MOS transistor having W = L dimensions
B. Capacitance of gate to channel of n-MOS transistor having W = 3L dimensions
C. Capacitance of gate to channel of p-MOS transistor having 3W = L dimensions
D. Capacitance of gate to channel of n-MOS transistor having W = L dimensions and p-MOS having W=3L dimensions

Answer: A

Standard capacitance is the capacitance of the gate to channel with the standard area.


16. The capacitances in MOSFET occurs due to _____________

A. Interconnects
B. Difference in Doping concentration
C. Difference in dopant materials
D. All of the mentioned

Answer: D

The on-chip capacitances found in MOS circuits are due to interconnects, differences in Doping concentration, and differences in dopant materials.


17. The parasitic capacitances found in MOSFET are ___________

A. Oxide related capacitances
B. Inter electrode capacitance
C. Electrolytic capacitance
D. All of the mentioned

Answer: A

The parasitic device capacitances can be classified into two major groups: oxide-related capacitances and junction capacitances.


18. The capacitance that exists between Gate and Bulk is called ___________

A. Oxide parasitic capacitance
B. Metal oxide capacitance
C. MOS capacitance
D. None of the mentioned

Answer: A

The capacitance that exists between Gate and Bulk is called as an oxide parasitic capacitance.


19. In Cut-off Mode, the capacitance Cgs will be equal to ___________

A. 2Cgd
B. 0
C. Cgb
D. All of the mentioned

Answer: B

In cut-off mode, the conducting channel does not exist, so gate-to-source and the gate-to-drain capacitances are both equal to zero.


20. In cut-off mode, the value of gate to substrate capacitance is equal to ___________

A. Cox .(W- L)
B. Cox W/ L
C. Cox* W*L
D. 0

Answer: C

In Cut-off mode, the conducting channel does not exist, so gate-to-source and the gate-to-drain capacitances are both equal to zero. Therefore, the gate to substrate capacitance is equal to Cox* W*L.

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