Capacitive Loads and Wiring Capacitance MCQ Quiz – Objective Question with Answer for Capacitive Loads and Wiring Capacitance

11. The load capacitance is equivalent to ___________

A. Sum of all lumped linear capacitances between input and output node
B. Sum of all junction capacitance between Vcc and ground
C. Sum of all junction capacitance between input and output
D. Sum of all lumped linear capacitances between output node and ground

Answer: A

The load capacitance is measured by the sum of all lumped linear capacitances between the input and output nodes.


12. Interconnect capacitance contributes to the load capacitance when the CMOS inverters are connected in a cascade configuration.

A. True
B. False

Answer: A

In cascade configuration, the load capacitance is measured by the sum of all the lumped capacitances and interconnect capacitance.


13. Interconnect capacitance is formed due to ___________

A. Junction capacitance between gate and substrate
B. Wire connecting the gates of 2 different inverters
C. Parasitic capacitance existing between metal and polysilicon connection between 2 inverters
D. All of the mentioned

Answer: C

Parasitic capacitance existing between metal and polysilicon connection between 2 inverters causes the interconnect capacitance.


14. Which of the following parameters are found using load capacitance?

A. Delay time
B. Power consumption
C. Speed of the CMOS logic
D. All of the mentioned

Answer: D

Using load capacitance, delay time, power consumption, and speed of the CMOS logic can be measured.


15. The difference output of the basic differential amplifier is taken at ___________

a) At X and ground
b) At Y and ground
c) Difference of the voltages at the gates of M1 and M2
d) Difference of the voltages between X and Y

Answer: d

The difference output of the basic differential amplifier is taken at the difference in the voltages between X and Y.

16. The Differential output of the difference amplifier is the amplification of __________
a) Difference between the voltages of input signals
b) Difference between the output of the each transistor
c) Difference between the supply and the output of the each transistor
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: a

The Differential output of the difference amplifier is the amplification of the difference between the voltages of input signals.


17. The inputs to the differential amplifier are applied at __________

a) At X and Y
b) At the gates of M1 and M2
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b

The inputs to the differential amplifier are applied at the gates of M1 and M2.

18. The Maximum and minimum output of the Differential amplifiers is defined as:

a) Vmax = VDD, Vmin = -VDD
b) Vmax = VDD, Vmin = Rd.Iss
c) Vmax = VDD, Vmin = VDD – Rd.Iss
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: c

The Maximum and minimum output of the Differential amplifiers is defined as

Vmax = VDD, Vmin = VDD – Rd.Iss


19. In Common Mode Differential Amplifier, the outputs Vout1 and Vout2 are related as:

a) Vout2 is in out of phase with Vout1 with same amplitude
b) Vout2 and Vout1 have same amplitude but the phase difference is 90 degrees
c) Vout1 and Vout2 have same amplitude and are in phase with each other and their respective inputs
d) Vout1 and Vout2 have same amplitude and are in phase with each other but out of phase with their respective inputs

Answer: d

In Common Mode Differential Amplifier, the outputs Vout1 and Vout2 are related as Vout1 and Vout2 have the same amplitude and are in phase with each other but out of phase with their respective inputs.

20. In a small signal differential gain vs input CM level graph, the gain decreases after V2 due to:

a) As the input voltage increases, the output will be clipped
b) When the input voltage to the transistors is high, the transistor enters the saturation region and increases the current, which in turn decreases the output voltage = VDD – Rd.Iss
c) When Common Mode voltage is greater than or equal to V2, the input transistors enter triode region, the gain begins to fall
d) Increasing the input voltage beyond V2 causes the gate oxide to conduct and the gain is reduced

Answer: c

In a small signal differential gain vs input CM level graph, the gain decreases after V2 due to when the Common Mode voltage is greater than or equal to V2, the input transistors enter the triode region, the gain begins to fall.

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