In a ceiling fan employing capacitor run motor

In a ceiling fan employing capacitor run motor

Right Answer is:

Secondary winding surrounds the primary winding


  • There are two windings in the ceiling fan, one is running winding and another is starting winding. Two capacitors in parallel are used in domestic ceiling fans. Such a fan’s induction motor is known as a “Two value capacitor run motor”.
  •  In a ceiling fan, 2 capacitors are used and both are connected in parallel. One capacitor called starting capacitor is connected in series to starting winding and the second is called running capacitor is connected with running winding. The value of starting capacitor is 3 times to value of the running capacitor.
  • After the motor reaches 75% of its full load value, the high-value capacitance i.e starting capacitance is disconnected from the circuit and remains in the circuit. This way both optimum starting and running performance are achieved.
  • In a ceiling fan, the secondary winding surrounds the primary winding because it improves magnetic locking between stator and rotor and reduces the leakage flux in the winding.
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