Combining Spatial Enhancement Method MCQ [Free PDF] – Objective Question Answer for Combining Spatial Enhancement Method Quiz

1. Which of the following makes an image difficult to enhance?

A. Narrow range of intensity levels
B. Dynamic range of intensity levels
C. High noise
D. All of the mentioned

Answer: D

All the mentioned options make it difficult to enhance an image.


2. Which of the following is a second-order derivative operator?

A. Histogram
B. Laplacian
C. Gaussian
D. None of the mentioned

Answer: B

Laplacian is a second-order derivative operator.


3. Response of the gradient to noise and fine detail is _________ the Laplacian.

A. equal to
B. lower than
C. greater than
D. has no relation with

Answer: B

Response of the gradient to noise and fine detail is lower than the Laplacian’s and can further be lowered by smoothing.


4. Dark characteristics in an image are better solved using ___________

A. Laplacian Transform
B. Gaussian Transform
C. Histogram Specification
D. Power-law Transformation

Answer: D

It can be solved by Histogram Specification but it is better handled by Power-law Transformation.


5. What is the smallest possible value of a gradient image?

A. e
B. 1
C. 0
D. -e

Answer: C

The smallest possible value of a gradient image is 0.


6. Which of the following fails to work on dark intensity distributions?

A. Laplacian Transform
B. Gaussian Transform
C. Histogram Equalization
D. Power-law Transformation

Answer: C

Histogram Equalization fails to work on dark intensity distributions.


7. _____________ is used to detect diseases such as bone infection and tumors.

A. MRI Scan
B. PET Scan
C. Nuclear Whole Body Scan
D. X-Ray

Answer: C

A nuclear Whole Body Scan is used to detect diseases such as bone infection and tumors.


8. How do you bring out more of the skeletal detail from a Nuclear Whole Body Bone Scan?

A. Sharpening
B. Enhancing
C. Transformation
D. None of the mentioned

Answer: A

Sharpening is used to bring out more of the skeletal detail.


9. An alternate approach to median filtering is ______________

A. Use a mask
B. Gaussian filter
C. Sharpening
D. Laplacian filter

Answer: A

Using a mask, formed from the smoothed version of the gradient image, can be used for median filtering.


10. Final step of enhancement lies in _____________ of the sharpened image.

A. Increase the range of contrast
B. Increase the range of brightness
C. Increase dynamic range
D. None of the mentioned

Answer: C

Increasing the dynamic range of the sharpened image is the final step in enhancement.

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