21. How many control lines are present in analog to digital converter in addition to reference voltage?
A. Three
B. Two
C. One
D. None of the mentioned
22. Find out the integrating type of analog to the digital converter?
A. Flash-type converter
B. Tracking converter
C. Counter type converter
D. Dual slope ADC
23. Which type of ADC follows the conversion technique of changing the analog input signal to a linear function of frequency?
A. Direct type ADC
B. Integrating type ADC
C. Both integrating and direct type ADC
D. None of the mentioned
24. Which A/D converter is considered to be simplest, fastest, and most expensive?
A. Servo converter
B. Counter type ADC
C. Flash type ADC
D. All of the mentioned
25. The flash type A/D converters are called as
A. Parallel non-inverting A/D converter
B. Parallel counter A/D converter
C. Parallel inverting A/D converter
D. Parallel comparator A/D converter
26. What is the advantage of using a flash-type A/D converter?
A. High-speed conversion
B. Low-speed conversion
C. Nominal speed conversion
D. None of the mentioned
27. The number of comparators required for flash type A/D converter
A. Triples for each added bit
B. Reduce by half for each added bit
C. Double for each added bit
D. Doubles exponentially for each added bit
28. Drawback of counter type A/D converter
A. Counter clears automatically
B. More complex
C. High conversion time
D. Low speed
29. Calculate the conversion time of a 12-bit counter-type ADC with 1MHz clock frequency to convert a full-scale input?
A. 4.095 µs
B. 4.095ms
C. 4.095s
D. None of the mentioned
30. In a servo tracking A/D converter, the input voltage is greater than the DAC output signal at this condition
A. The counter counts up
B. The counter count down
C. The counter back and forth
D. None of the mentioned