When the damping force is more than the optimum, the instrument will become?

When the damping force is more than the optimum, the instrument will become?

Right Answer is:

Slow and lethargic


The major function of the damping device is to produce a damping force while the moving system is in motion. The damping force should be of such magnitude that the pointer of the moving system comes to its final steady value quickly without any oscillation.

  • This torque is produced only when the instrument is in operation.
  • This ensures that the moving system takes just the required time to reach its final deflected position. Then, the instrument is said to be ‘dead-beat.
  • If sufficient damping torque is not produced, the pointer makes underdamped oscillations before reaching the steady deflection.
  • In an over-damped instrument the damping torque is more than the required value, the pointer becomes sluggish and it takes longer than the required time to reach the final deflection.

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