Discrete Time Signal and System MCQ Quiz – Objective Question with Answer for Discrete Time Signal and System

11. The system described by the equation y(n)=ay(n+1)+b x(n) is a recursive system.

A. True
B. False

Answer: B

Since the present output depends on the value of the future output, the system is not called a Recursive system.


11. If the system is initially relaxed at time n=0 and memory equals zero, then the response of such state is called ____________

A. Zero-state response
B. Zero-input response
C. Zero-condition response
D. None of the mentioned

Answer: A

If the system is initially relaxed at time n=0 and memory equals zero, then the response of such state is called a Zero-state response.

The memory of the system, describes, in some cases, the ‘state’ of the system, the output of the system is called as ‘zero-state response’.


12. Zero-state response is also known as _______

A. Free response
B. Forced response
C. Natural response
D. None of the mentioned

Answer: B

The zero-state response depends on the nature of the system and the input signal. Since this output is a response forced upon it by the input signal, it is also known as a ‘Forced response’.


13. Zero-input response is also known as Natural or Free response.

A. True
B. False

Answer: A

The zero-input response is also known as the Natural or Free response.

For a zero-input response, the input is zero and the output of the system is independent of the input of the system. So, the response of such a system is also known as a Natural or Free response.


14. The solution obtained by assuming the input x(n) of the system is zero is ____________

A. General solution
B. Particular solution
C. Complete solution
D. Homogenous solution

Answer: D

By making the input x(n)=0 we will get a homogeneous difference equation and the solution of that differential equation is known as a Homogenous or Complementary solution.


15. What is the homogenous solution of the system described by the first-order difference equation y(n)+ay(n-1)=x(n)?

A. c(A.n(where ‘c’ is a constant)
B. c(A.-n
C. c(-A.n
D. c(-A.-n

Answer: C

The assumed solution obtained by assigning x(n)=0 is

=>λn+a λn-1=0


16. What is the zero-input response of the system described by the homogenous second order equation y(n)-3y(n-1)-4y(n-2)=0 if the initial conditions are y(-1)=5 and y(-2)=0?

A. (-1)n-1 + (4)n-2
B. (-1)n+1 + (4)n+2
C. (-1)n+1 + (4)n-2
D. None of the mentioned

Answer: B

Given difference equation is y(n)-3y(n-1)-4y(n-2)=0—-(1)

Let y(n)=λn

Substituting y(n) in the given equation
=> λn – 3λn-1 – 4λn-2 = 0
=> λn-2(λ2 – 3λ – 4) = 0

the roots of the above equation are λ=-1,4

Therefore, the general form of the solution of the homogenous equation is

yh(n)=C1 λ1n+C2 λ2n


The zero-input response of the system can be calculated from the homogenous solution by evaluating the constants in the above equation, given the initial conditions y(-1) and y(-2).

From the given equation (1)

From the equation (2)
y(0)=C1+C2 and

By equating these two set of relations, we have


On solving the above two equations we get C1=-1 and C2=16

Therefore the zero-input response is Yzi(n) = (-1)n+1 + (4)n+2.


17. What is the particular solution of the first order difference equation y(n)+ay(n-1)=x(n) where |a|<1, when the input of the system x(n)=u(n)?

A. \(\frac{1}{1+a}\) u(n)

B. \(\frac{1}{1-a}\) u(n)

C. \(\frac{1}{1+a}\)

D. \(\frac{1}{1-a}\)

Answer: A

The assumed solution of the difference equation to the forcing equation x(n), called the particular solution of the difference equation is
yp(n)=Kx(n)=Ku(n) (where K is a scale factor)

Substitute the above equation in the given equation

To determine K we must evaluate the above equation for any n>=1, so that no term vanishes.

=> K+aK=1

Therefore the particular solution is yp(n)=\(\frac{1}{1+a}\) u(n).


18. What is the particular solution of the difference equation y(n)=\(\frac{5}{6}y(n-1)-\frac{1}{6}\)y(n-2)+x(n) when the forcing function x(n)=2n, n≥0 and zero elsewhere?

A. \(\frac{1}{5}\) 2n

B. \(\frac{5}{8}\) 2n

C. \(\frac{8}{5}\) 2n

D. \(\frac{5}{8}\) 2-n

Answer: C

The assumed solution of the difference equation to the forcing equation x(n), called the particular solution of the difference equation is
yp(n)=Kx(n)=K2nu(n) (where K is a scale factor)

Upon substituting yp(n) into the difference equation, we obtain

K2nu(n)=\(\frac{5}{6}\)K2n-1u(n-1)-\(\frac{1}{6}\) K2n-2u(n-2)+2nu(n)

To determine K we must evaluate the above equation for any n>=2, so that no term vanishes.

=> 4K=\(\frac{5}{6}\)(2K)-\(\frac{1}{6}\) (K)+4

=> K=\(\frac{8}{5}\)

=> yp(n)=(8/5) 2n.


19. The total solution of the difference equation is given as _________

A. yp(n)-yh(n)
B. yp(n)+yh(n)
C. yh(n)-yp(n)
D. None of the mentioned

Answer: B

The linearity property of the linear constant-coefficient difference equation allows us to add the homogeneous and particular solutions in order to obtain the total solution.

The total solution of the difference equation is given as yp(n)+yh(n).


20. What is the impulse response of the system described by the second order difference equation y(n)-3y(n-1)-4y(n-2)=x(n)+2x(n-1)?

A. [-\(\frac{1}{5}\) (-1)n–\(\frac{6}{5}\) (4)n]u(n)

B. [\(\frac{1}{5}\) (-1)n–\(\frac{6}{5}\) (4)n]u(n)

C. [\(\frac{1}{5}\) (-1)n+\(\frac{6}{5}\) (4)n]u(n)

D. [-\(\frac{1}{5}\) (-1)n+\(\frac{6}{5}\) (4)n]u(n)

Answer: D

The homogenous solution of the given equation is yh(n)=C1(-1)n+C2(4)n—-(1)
To find the impulse response, x(n)=δ(n)
now, for n=0 and n=1 we get
y(0)=1 and

From equation (1) we get
y(0)=C1+C2 and

On solving the above two set of equations we get

C1=-\(\frac{1}{5}\) and C2=\(\frac{6}{5}\)

=>h(n)= [-\(\frac{1}{5}\) (-1)n + \(\frac{6}{5}\) (4)n]u(n).

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