Distribution of Voltage Across Capacitors in Series MCQ [Free PDF]

21. Electric field terminates at ________

A. Positive charge
B. Negative charge
C. Neither positive nor negative
D. Both positive and negative

Answer: B

The electric field originates at the positive charge and terminates at the negative charge. The conventional direction of the field is from positive to negative.


22. Which of the following statements is true about electric field lines?

A. Electric field lines always intersect
B. Electric field lines may or may not intersect
C. Electric field lines can be seen
D. Electric field lines never intersect

Answer: D

Electric field lines can never intersect because tangents at any point on electric field lines represent the direction of the electric field and if they intersect at a point it means that at that point there are two different directions for the electric field which is not possible.


23. Which, among the following, is the field where electric charge experiences a force?

A. Electric field
B. Magnetic field
C. Gravitational field
D. Electric, magnetic and gravitational field

Answer: A

Charges experience a force in an electric field because charges come under the influence of a field that already has charges- an electric field.


24. A field that spreads outwards in all directions is __________

A. Linear
B. Radial
C. Weak
D. Strong

Answer: B

A radial field is one that spreads in all directions. This field is known as the radial field because it spreads out radially from a source.


25. In uniform fields, all points have ________ field strength.

A. Zero
B. Same
C. Infinity
D. Different

Answer: B

A uniform field is one as the word suggests in which the field is spread over an area and at every point in the field strength of the field is the same.


26. Which, among the following is the correct expression for an electric field?

A. E = F/C
B. E = F × C
C. E = F/Q
D. E = F × Q

Answer: C

The electric field is the force per unit charge hence, the correct expression among the following is E = F/Q.


27. What happens when one material is rubbed against another?

A. The material becomes electrically neutral
B. The material becomes electrically charged
C. The material becomes negatively charged
D. The material becomes positively charged

Answer: B

When one material is rubbed against another, there is a transfer of charges from one material to another hence the material becomes electrically charged.


28. The insulant between the two plates of a capacitor is called _______

A. Conductor
B. Semi-conductor
C. Dielectric
D. Superconductor

Answer: C

The material between the two plates of a capacitor is an insulator, more specifically known as a dielectric.


29. Gauss law is applicable for_________

A. Point charge
B. Sheet charge
C. Line charge
D. Point, sheet, and line charge

Answer: D

Gauss law states that the total electric flux through any closed surface is equal to the charge enclosed by that surface. Hence it applies to all points, surfaces, and volumes.


30. “Total electric flux through any closed surface is equal to the charge enclosed by that surface divided by permittivity”. This is the statement for?

A. Gauss law
B. Lenz law
C. Columb’s law
D. Faraday’s law

Answer: A

The total electric flux through any closed surface is equal to the charge enclosed by that surface divided by permittivity is the statement for Gauss law because, among the four laws, Gauss law deals with electric flux.

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