Ids versus Vds Relationships MCQ Quiz – Objective Question with Answer for Ids versus Vds Relationships MCQ

1. Ids depends on ___________

A. Vg
B. Vds
C. Vdd
D. Vss

Answer: B

Ids depend on both Vgs and Vds. The charge induced is dependent on the gate to source voltage Vgs also charge can be moved from source to drain under influence of the electric field created by Vds.


2. Ids can be given by __________

A. Qc x Ʈ
B. Qc / Ʈ
C. Ʈ / Qc
D. Qc / 2Ʈ

Answer: B

Ids can be given as charge induced in the channel(QC. divided by transit time (Ʈ). Ids is equivalent to (-ISD.


3. Transit time can be given by __________

A. L / v
B. v / L
C. v × L
D. v × d

Answer: A

Transit time (Ʈ) can be given by the length of the channel(L) by velocity(v). Transit time is the time required for an electron to travel between two electrodes.


4. Velocity can be given as __________

A. µ / Vds
B. µ / Eds
C. µ × Eds
D. Eds / µ

Answer: B

Velocity can be given as the product of electron or hole mobility(µ) and electric field(Eds). It gives the flow velocity that an electron attains due to the electric field.


5. Eds is given by __________

A. Vds / L
B. L / Vds
C. Vds × L
D. Vdd / L

Answer: A

Electric field(Eds) can be given as the ratio of Vds and L. Eds is the electric field created from drain to source due to volta Vds.


6. What is the mobility of the proton or hole at room temperature?

A. 650 cm2/V sec
B. 260 cm2/V sec
C. 240 cm2/V sec
D. 500 cm2/V sec

Answer: C

The value of mobility of proton or hole at room temperature is 240 cm2/V sec. This gives the measure of how fast an electron can move.


7. In resistive region __________

A. Vds greater than (Vgs – Vt)
B. Vds lesser than (Vgs – Vt)
C. Vgs greater than (Vds – Vt)
D. Vgs lesser than (Vds – Vt)

Answer: B

In the non-saturated or resistive region, Vds lesser than Vgs – Vt where Vds is the voltage between drain and source, Vgs is the gate-source voltage and Vt is the threshold voltage.


8. What is the condition for saturation?

A. Vgs = Vds
B. Vds = Vgs – Vt
C. Vgs = Vds – Vt
D. Vds > Vgs – Vt

Answer: B

The condition for saturation is Vds = Vgs – Vt since at this point IR drop in the channel equals the effective gate to channel voltage at the drain.


9. Threshold voltage is negative for __________

A. nMOS depletion
B. nMOS enhancement
C. pMOS depletion
D. pMOS enhancement

Answer: A

The threshold voltage for nMOS depletion denoted as Vtd is negative.


10. The current Ids _______ as Vds increases.

A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains fairly constant
D. exponentially increases

Answer: C

The current Ids remain fairly constant as Vds increase in the saturation region.

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