In electrical-pneumatic system analogy, the current is considered analogous to

In electrical-pneumatic system analogy, the current is considered analogous to

Right Answer is:

Air flow rate


Pneumatics is the Study and application of compressed gas to produce mechanical motion.

In an electrical-pneumatic system analogy, the current is analogous to the air-flow rate.

Analogous quantities in Electrical-Pneumatic System

Electrical Systems Pneumatic systems
Charge (coulomb) Airflow (cub-m)
Current (amp) Air Flow rate (cub-m/min)
Voltage (volts) Pressure (Newton/m2)
Resistance (ohms) Resistance (Newton/m2) (cub-m/min)
Capacitance (farads) Capacitance (cub-m/min) (Newton/m2)
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