51. The specific frequency at which AOL (dB. is called
A. Gain bandwidth product
B. Closed-loop bandwidth
C. Small signal bandwidth
D. All of the mentioned
52. Find out the expression for open loop gain magnitude with three break frequency?
A. A/[1+ j(f/fo1)]x[1+ j(f/fo2)]x[1+ j(f/fo3)].
B. A/[1+ j(f/fo)]3
C. A/A/[1+ j(f/fo1)]+ [1+ j(f/fo2)]+ [1+ j(f/fo3)].
D. All of the mentioned
53. Find out the frequencies that are avoided in the frequency response plot?
A. None of the mentioned
B. Single break frequency
C. Upper break frequency
D. Lower break frequency
54. In a phase response curve of MC1556, the phase shift is -162.5o about 4MHz. If the approximate value of the first break frequency is 5.5Hz. Determine the approximate value of the second break frequency?
A. 945.89MHz
B. 945.89kHz
C. 945.89GHz
D. 945.89Hz
55. Consider a practical op-amp having two break frequencies due to a number of RC pole pairs. Determine the gain equation using the given specifications:
A ≅ 102.92dB; fo1 =6Hz ; fo2 =2.34MHz .
A. 140000/[1+ j(f/6)]x[1+ j(f/2.34)].
B. 140000/[1+ j(f/6)]x[1+ j(f/234)].
C. 140000/[1+ j(f/6)]x[1+ j(f/23400)].
D. 140000/[1+ j(f/6)]x[1+ j(f/2340000)].
56. What is the voltage transfer function of the op-amp in the s-domain.
A. S×A/(s+ωo)
B. A/(s+ωo)
C. (A×ωo)/(s+ωo)
D. None of the mentioned
57. Calculate the unity-gain bandwidth of an op-amp. Given, A≅ 0.2×106 & fo =5Hz?
A. 106
B. 108
C. 10-5
D. 10-10
58. Open loop configuration is not preferred in op-amps because
A. First break frequency is too large
B. First break frequency is very small
C. Second break frequency is too large
D. All of the mentioned
59. Calculate the value of the open-loop frequency response curve at any point beyond break frequency in 741C op-amp?
A. 1000000Hz
B. 1000Hz
D. 10000000Hz
D. 100000Hz
60. When does a system said to be stable?
A. Output reaches a minimum value at finite time
B. Output reaches a maximum value at any time
C. Output reaches a fixed value at finite time
D. Output reaches a fixed value at any time