61. Why unstable systems are considered to be impractical?
A. None of the mentioned
B. Output decreases with time
C. Output reaches a fixed value
D. Output increases with time
Answer: D
A circuit is said to be unstable if its output increases with time instead of achieving a fixed value. In fact, the output keeps on increasing until the system breaks down. Therefore, unstable systems are impractical and need to be made stable.
62. How is the criterion for the system determined?
A. Graphical method
B. Theoretical method
C. Analytical method
D. All of the mentioned
Answer: D
The criterion for stability of the system is tested practically using one of the above-mentioned methods.
63. A standard block diagram of a closed-loop system composes of
A. Two blocks
B. Single block
C. Three blocks
D. None of the mentioned
Answer: A
In a closed-loop system (control system) the standard form of representing a system is composed of two blocks.
(i) Forward block and
(ii) Feedback block.
64. “Transfer function” in the control system refers to
A. Feedback block
B. Content of each block
C. Forward block
D. Input and output blocks
Answer: B
The transfer function in the control system refers to the content of each block and it depends on the complexity of a system.
65. Which method is considered to be a graphical method in testing the system?
A. Bode plot
B. Routh-Hurwitz criteria
C. Circuit testing
D. None of the mentioned
Answer: A
A graphical method used in determining the stability/testing of the system is the bode plots. It is composed of magnitude versus frequency and phase angle versus frequency plots.
66. Measure taken to increase the bandwidth of an op-amp.
A. Increase the frequency of the configuration
B. Reduce the gain of the configuration
C. Closed-loop configuration is used
D. Open loop configuration is used
Answer: C
Closed-loop configuration is preferred to increase the bandwidth of an op-amp.
67. Name the block connected in the feedback path
A. Feedback block
B. Forward block
C. Output block
D. Summation of feedback, forward and output block
Answer: A
The block in the feedback path is referred to as the feedback block, which connects the block between the output signal and the feedback signal.
68. When the magnitude of (AoL )×( ß ) = 0dB, state the condition at which the system becomes stable?
A. Phase angle is > -180o
B. Phase angle is < -180o
C. Phase angle is > +180o
D. Phase angle is < +180o
Answer: A
Closed loop voltage gain AF = AoL/ (1+AoL×ß)
At a lower frequency, the contribution of AoL is zero. So, AoL×ß >0 and obviously AF < AoL, and the system is stable.
69. Mention the phase condition that leads to sustained oscillation
A. ∠-Aß =0
B. All of the mentioned
C. ∠-Aß = multiple of 2π
D. ∠Aß = odd multiple of π
Answer: B
The circuit leads to oscillation if the characteristic equation (1+AoL×ß )=0
=> Loop gain, AoL×ß =1
Since AoL*ß is a complex quantity, the magnitude is |AoL×ß |=1, and the phase condition are ∠-Aß=0 (or multiple of 2π) or ∠Aß= π (or odd multiple of π).
70. Determine the state of the system
A. Stable system
B. Unstable system
C. Casual system
D. Bounded system
Answer: B
The given circuit is used in inverting mode and produces a phase shift of 180o. For two corner frequencies, the maximum phase shift associated with gain AoL is -180o which makes total phase shift = 0 and for some value of ß, the magnitude of Aß becomes unity. In this case, the amplifier begins to oscillate as both magnitude and phase conditions are satisfied. Thus, the circuit enters on verge of instability.
71. Find out the system stability when a system has three RC poles pairs
A. Attain stability at low frequency
B. Attain stability at high frequency
C. Attain instability at high frequency
D. Attain instability at low frequency
Answer: C
For a system with three pole pairs, AoL has three corner frequencies and contributes to a maximum of 270o phase shift, at this condition AoL×ß is negative and instability occurs at high frequencies.