Multitasking Operating System MCQ Quiz – Objective Question with Answer for Multitasking Operating System

11. Which can control memory usage?

A. operating system
B. applications
C. hardware
D. kernel


The kernel can control the memory usage and it can also prevent the tasks from corrupting each other.



12. Which can control the memory sharing between the tasks?

A. kernel
B. application
C. software

Answer: A

The kernel can control memory sharing between tasks which allows sharing of common program modules.


13. Which of the following can implement the message passing and control?

A. application software
B. operating system
C. software
D. kernel

Answer: D

The kernel can implement the message passing and control which acts as a message passer and controller between the tasks.


14. How many types of messages are associated with the real-time operating system?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

Answer: A

There are two basic types of messages associated with the real-time operating system. These are semaphores and messages.


15. Which of the following can carry information and control tasks?

A. semaphore
B. messages
C. flags
D. address message

Answer: B

The messages can carry information and they can also control the task regarding the real-time operating systems. These are also known as events.


16. Which task swapping method does not require the time-critical operations?

A. time slice
B. pre-emption
C. cooperative multitasking
D. schedule algorithm

Answer: A

Time-critical operations are not essential in the time slice mechanism. The time slice mechanism describes the task switching in a particular time slot.


17. Which task swap method works in a regular periodic point?

A. pre-emption
B. time slice
C. schedule algorithm
D. cooperative multitasking

Answer: B

The time-slicing works by switching tasks in regular periodic points in time, that is, any task that needs to run next will have to wait until the current time slice is completed.


18. Which of the following determines the next task in the time slice method of task swapping?

A. scheduling program
B. scheduling application
C. scheduling algorithm
D. scheduling task

Answer: C

The time slice mechanism can also be used as a scheduling method in which the task to run next is determined by the scheduling algorithm.


19. Which of the following can be used to distribute the time slice across all the tasks?

A. timer
B. counter
C. round-robin
D. task slicing

Answer: C

The time slice-based system uses a fairness scheduler or round-robin to distribute the time slices across all the tasks that need to run in a particular time slot.


20. What do a time slice period plus a context switch time of the processor determines?

A. scheduling task
B. scheduling algorithm
C. context task
D. context switch time

Answer: D

The context switch time of the processor along with the time slice period determines the context switch time of the system which is an important factor in system response, that is, the time period can be reduced to improve the context switching of the system which will increase the number of task switches.

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