100 Important MCQ of Power System with explanation | 2020

Ques 41. For certain geometry and operating voltage of the uncompensated transmission line, the ratio of power transfer capability to the surge impedance loading with increase in length

  1. Increases
  2. Remains unchanged
  3. Decreases
  4. Uncertain

Answer.2. Remain Unchanged


  • SInce surge impedance and hence SIL is independent of the length of the line. The value of surge impedance will be the same at all the points on the line and hence the voltage.


Ques 42. A 60 Hz, 320 km lossless line has Bending end voltage 1.0 p.u, The receiving end voltage with no load is

  1. 1.1 p.u.
  2. 1.087 p.u.
  3. 1.116 p.u.
  4. 1.24 p.u
Answer.2. 1.087 p.u


  • ⇒For Loss-less line at no-load:
    • Vs = Vr.coshγl……………………….(1)
      • where  γl = jωl√LC
      • and ω = 2Πf

coshγl = cos(jωl√L C) = cos(wl√L C)

=cos(2 Π f l√L C)…………..(2)


⇒In the above question
frequency is given = 60 Hz
Length of transmission i.e l = 320 km

  • The time take for the surge to travel distance T =(x/v) s Where x is the distance v is the velocity of the surge which is equal to 3 x 108 m/s
  • Distance given 600km which is equal to 6 x 105 m therefore, (320 x 103 / 3 x 108 ) = 0.001 s

Putting all the value in equation number 2 we get

coshγl = cos(2Π x 60 x 320 x 1000 / 3*108) = 0.92

⇒Putting the above value in equation number 1 we get

= Vr = Vs/coshγl

= 1 / 0.92 = 1.087 pu


Ques 43. If a line is 100 % series compensated it may result in series resonance at power frequency of

  1. 50  or 60 Hz
  2. 100 Hz
  3. 25 Hz
  4. 150 Hz

Answer.1. 50 or 60 Hz


  • A full 100 % compensation is should never be used because it would make the line flows extremely sensitive to change in angle between the voltage at the line terminal, and the circuit would series resonant at fundamental frequency i.e 50 or 60 Hz.


Ques 44. The X/R ratio of 220 kV line as compared to 400 kV line is

  1. Greater
  2. Smaller
  3. Equal
  4. None of the above
Answer.2. Smaller


X/R Ratio

  • Every electrical circuit contains resistance (R) and inductive reactance (X) and they are electrically in series. Their combined effect is called Impedance.
  • X depends on the equivalent distance between phases (which increases at higher voltages) and the GMR of the conductor. so you can have (X/R) ratio as high as 10 -15 for a 400 kV line.

X R Ratio


Ques 45. A lossless transmission line having surge impedance loading (SIL) of 2280 MW. A series capacitive compensation of 30% is emplaced. Then SIL of the compensated transmission line will be

  1. 2725 MW
  2. 3125 MW
  3. 1800 MW
  4. 3200 MW
Answer.1. 2725 MW


solution 5.


Ques 46. A lossless radial transmission line with surge impedance loading

  1. Takes negative VAr at sending end and zero VAr at receiving end
  2. Takes positive VAr at sending end and zero VAr at receiving end
  3. Has flat voltage profile and unity power factor at all points along it
  4. Has sending end voltage higher than receiving end voltage and unity power factor at

Answer.3. Has flat voltage profile and unity power factor at all points along it


lossless line

  • For flat voltage profile system, all the voltage drop in the line are neglected therefore supply voltage (Vs) is equal to the Receiving end voltage (Vr) i.e Vs = Vr hence the magnitude of the voltage throughout the line is same.
  • The characteristic impedance of a lossless transmission line is purely real, with no reactive component. Energy supplied by a source at one end of such a line is transmitted through the line without being dissipated in the line itself.
  • Therefore the power factor is unity throughout its length.


Ques 47. Bundled conductors are mainly employed to

  1. Decreases system stability
  2. Reduce Sag
  3. Increase the short-circuit current
  4. Reduce Corona effect

Answer.4. Reduce Corona effect


Advantage of  Bundled Conductors

By using bundled conductor the self GMD of the conductor is increased

Corona Loss ∝ (V – Vo)2   

Where V = R.M.S phase voltage 

Vo = Disruptive critical Voltage

  • Vo is approximately directly proportional to the size of the conductor, therefore, larger the size of the conductor larger the disruptive critical voltage and smaller will be the factor of (V – Vo)2 and hence smaller will be the corona loss.


Ques 48. For a 500 Hz frequency excitation, a 50 km long power line will be modelled as

  1. Short line
  2. Medium line
  3. Long LIne
  4. Data insufficient
Answer.3. Long Line


  • For one full wave variation, the length of the line for 50 Hz supply will be given as

f λ = v


  • f = Frequency 
  •  λ = length of the line
  • v = Velocity of the wave i.e 3 x 108 m/s 

For 500 Hz

λ = v/f

= 3 x 108  / 500

= 600 Km

Hence the transmission line above 250 Km is treated as Long transmission line.


Ques 49. A single-phase transmission line has 2 parallel conductors 4m apart radius of each conductor being 2 cm. Calculate the capacitance of the line per Km given that Eo = 8.854 x 10-12 F/m

  1. 6.12 x 10-3 F/m
  2. 6.48 x 10-3 F/m
  3. 5.247 x 10-3 F/m
  4. 7.248 x 10-3 F/m
Answer.3. 5.247 x 10-3 F/m


  • Conductor Radius = 2 cm
  • Spacing of conductor = 4 m = 400 cm

Capacitance of the line

solution 6


Ques 50. What is the time of operation of a relay of rating 5 amp 2.2 sec, IDMT and having a relay of the setting of 125% Tms = 0.6 It is connected to a supply circuit through a CT, 400 ratio. The fault current is 4000 amp.

  1. 10.0 sec
  2. 1.92 sec
  3. 4.5 sec
  4. 2.4 sec

Answer.2. 1.92 sec


The pickup value of the relay is 5 amp but the relay setting is 125 %

Operating current of the relay is = 5 x 1.25 = 6.25 Amp

Pulse setting Multiplier PSM is given as

PSM = Fault current / Relay current setting x CT Ratio
= 4000 / 6.25 x 80
= 8 Amp

  • After calculating the value of PSM we have to find out the total time of operation of the relay with the help of Time / PSM curve and for the standard 2.2 sec curve the operating time for PSM = 8 is 3.2 sec
  • Now in the above question, the value of TSM is given which is 0. 6 sec
  • Then the actual operating time of the relay isPSM x TSM = 3.2 x 0.6= 1.92 sec


Ques 51. A conductor is composed of seven (7) identical copper each having radius r as shown in the figure. Find the self GMD of the conductor
given D14 = 4r
D12 = 2r
D26 = 2√3r
A conductor is composed of

  1. 2.177 r
  2. 2.645 r
  3. 2.141 r
  4. 1.21 r
Answer 1. 2.177 r


The self GMD of the seven strand conductor is 49th root of the 49 distance. Thus

The self GMD of the seven s

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