Real Time Operating system MCQ Quiz – Objective Question with Answer for Real Time Operating system

51. Which of the following uses its own address space?

A. thread
B. process
C. task
D. kernel

Answer: A

Threads use shared memory space and it uses the memory space of the process.

Threads use the memory of the process they belong to. Inter-process communication is slow as processes have different memory addresses.


52. Which of the following does not use a shared memory?

A. process
B. thread
C. task
D. kernel

Answer: A

The program in execution is known as the process. The process does not share the memory space but the threads have a shared memory address. When the CPU switches from one process to another, the current information is stored in the process descriptor.


53. Which of the following can own and control the resources?

A. thread
B. task
C. system
D. peripheral

Answer: B

The task and process have several characteristics and one such is that the task or process can own or control resources and it has threads of execution which are the paths through the code.


54. Which can be supported if the task or process maintains a separate data area for each thread?

A. single thread system
B. mono thread system
C. multiple threads
D. dual threads

Answer: C

The multiple threads can be supported only if the process or task can maintain separate data areas for each thread.


55. Which of the following possesses threads of execution?

A. process
B. thread
C. kernel
D. operating system

Answer: A

The process has threads of execution which are the paths through the code.


56. Which of the following is inherited from the parent task?

A. task
B. process
C. thread
D. kernel

Answer: C

The threads are a part of the process, that is, it uses a shared memory of the process and therefore said that its resources are inherited from the parent process or task.


57. Which term is used to encompass more than a simple context switch?

A. process
B. single thread system
C. thread
D. multithread

Answer: A

The process includes the additional information which is used to encompass more than a simple context switch. This is similar to task switching, that is why it is said that process and task are interchangeable.


58. Which can be considered as the lower level in the multitasking operating system?

A. process
B. task
C. threads
D. multi-threads

Answer: C

In the multitasking operating system, the process and tasks form the higher level whereas the thread is the lower level. But in a simple operating system, there is no difference between the context switch of the thread and the process.


59. Which of the following kernel supports the MC68000 family?

A. pSOS+
B. pSOS+kernel
C. pNA+ network-manager
D. pSOS multiprocessor kernel

Answer: A

The pSOS+ kernel supports many processor families like Intel 80×86, M88000, MC68000, and i960 processors. The kernel is small in size and has a 15-20 Kbytes RAM.


60. What is the worst-case figure for interrupt latency for an MC68020 running at 25MHz?

A. 19 microseconds
B. 6 microseconds
C. 20 microseconds
D. 8 microseconds

Answer: B

The worst-case figure for the interrupt latency for an MC68020 which runs at 25MHz is 6 microseconds and the context switch for the same is 19 microseconds.

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