Segmentation and Paging MCQ Quiz – Objective Question with Answer for Segmentation and Paging

21. Which of the following can reduce the chip size?

A. memory management unit
B. execution unit
C. memory protection unit
D. bus interface unit

Answer: C

The memory protection unit has many advantages over the other units. It can reduce the chip size, cost, and power consumption.


22. How does the memory management unit provide protection?

A. disables the address translation
B. enables the address translation
C. wait for the address translation
D. remains unchanged

Answer: A

The memory management unit can be used as a protection unit by disabling the address translation that is, the physical address and the logical address are the same.


23. Which of the following is used to start a supervisor level?

A. error signal
B. default signal
C. wait for the signal
D. interrupt signal

Answer: A

If memory access from the software does not access the correct data, an error signal is generated which will start a supervisor-level software for the decision.


24. What happens when a task attempts to access memory outside its own address space?

A. paging fault
B. segmentation fault
C. wait
D. remains unchanged

Answer: B

Different tasks assign their own address space and whenever a task access memory outside its own address space, a segmentation fault result and which in turn results in the termination of the offending application.


25. Which of the following include special address generation and data latches?

A. burst interface
B. peripheral interface
D. input-output interfacing

Answer: A

The burst interfacing has special memory interfaces which include special address generation and data latches that help in the high performance of the processors. It takes the advantages of both the nibble mode memories and paging.


26. Which of the following makes use of the burst fill technique?

A. burst interfaces
C. peripheral interfaces
D. input-output interfaces

Answer: A

The burst interfaces use the burst fill technique in which the processor will access four words in succession, which fetches the complete cache line or written out to the memory.


27. How did burst interfaces access faster memory?

A. segmentation
C. static column memory
D. memory

Answer: C

The speed of the memory can be improved by the page mode or the static column memory which offers faster access in a single cycle.


28. Which of the following memory access can reduce the clock cycles?

A. bus interfacing
B. burst interfacing
D. dram

Answer: B

The burst interfaces reduce the clock cycles. For fetching four words with a three-clock memory, it will take 12 clock cycles but in the burst interface, it will only take five clocks to access the data.


29. How many clocks are required for the first access in the burst interface?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Answer: B

In the burst interface, the first access of the memory address requires two clock cycles and a single cycle for the remaining memory address.


30. In which of the following access, the address is supplied?

A. the first access
B. the second access
C. third access
D. fourth access

Answer: A

In the burst interface, the address is supplied only for the first access and not for the remaining accesses. External logic is required for the additional addresses for the memory interface.

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