Types of Buffer MCQ Quiz – Objective Question with Answer for Types of Buffer MCQ

11. Which buffer is important for the signal data?

A. double buffer
B. single buffer
C. linear buffer
D. directional buffer

Answer: D

The directional buffer is used for the signal data or for the data which is sampled periodically. The data must be kept in the same order in order to preserve it in chronological order.


12. Which of the following uses two buffers?

A. linear buffer
B. single buffer
C. double buffer
D. directional buffer

Answer: C

The double buffer uses buffers as its name suggests, one buffer is for filling and the other buffer is for extraction.


13. Which of the following uses a single low water tank and a next data pointer?

A. single buffer
B. double buffer
C. directional buffer
D. linear buffer

Answer: A

The single buffer uses a single low water tank and a next data pointer. The next data pointer is used for accessing the next entry that should be extracted.


14. Which of the following allows the multiple tasks to process data simultaneously?

A. single buffer
B. double buffer
C. buffer exchange
D. directional buffer

Answer: C

The buffer exchange allows the multiple tasks to process simultaneously without having to have control structures to supervise access and it is also used to simplify the control code.


15. Which buffering mechanism is common to the SPOX operating system?

A. buffer exchange
B. single buffer
C. linear buffer
D. directional buffer

Answer: A

The buffer exchange can support the SPOX operating system which is used for the digital signal processors and it is easy to implement.


16. Which buffers exchange the empty buffers for full ones?

A. single buffer
B. buffer exchange
C. directional buffer
D. double buffer

Answer: B

The buffer exchange can be used for exchanging the empty buffers with the full ones. It will have more than two buffers.


17. Which process takes place when the buffer is empty?

A. read
B. write
C. read and write
D. memory access

Answer: A

The buffer exchange will contain the data in the case of the writing process but the buffer will be emptied in the case of the read cycle.


18. Which process takes place when the buffer contains data?

A. read
B. read and write
C. acknowledge
D. write

Answer: D

The buffer will be emptied in the case of the reading process and it will contain the data in case of the writing process.


19. Which of the following does not need to have a semaphore?

A. double buffer
B. single buffer
C. buffer exchange
D. directional buffer

Answer: C

There are many advantages over the buffer exchange. One such is that it will not have a semaphore to control any shared memory or buffers.


20. Which buffer can assimilate a large amount of data before processing?

A. single buffer
B. double buffer
C. multiple buffers
D. directional buffer

Answer: C

The requesting task can use multiple buffers which can assimilate large amounts of data before processing. This can be considered one of the advantages of the buffer exchange.

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