UPPCL AE Electrical Engineer Solved Paper 2019

Ques.31. The transfer function G(S) = 1/s2 has a 0 dB crossing in its Bode magnitude plot at

  1. 100 rad/s
  2. 10 rad/s
  3. 0.1 rad/s
  4. 1 rad/s

Answer.4. 1 rad/sec


Transfer function G(s) = 1/s2

In case of 0 dB crossing in Bode plot

|G(s)| = 1

|G(s)| = 1/ω2 = 1

ω = 1 rad/sec


Ques.32. A BJT biasing circuit is shown in the figure. The transistor is operating in the active region with VBE = 0.7 V. The value of collector current in mA is

A BJT biasing circuit is shown in the figure. The transistor is operating in the active region with VBE = 0.7 V

  1. 4.813
  2. 1.210
  3. 3.512
  4. 2.817

Answer.4. 2.817



VBE = 0.7 V

β = 100


IE = (1 + β)IB

Applying KVL in the input loop

Vcc − (RB × IB) − VBE − [IE × RE] = 0

Vcc − (RB × IB) − VBE − [(1 + β)IB × RE] = 0

12 − (300 × IB) − 0.7 −101 × I= 0

11.3 − 402IB = 0

IB = 0.0281 mA

Collector current IC is given by

IC = β × IB

IC = 100 × 0.0281

IC = 2.81


Ques.33. The inductance of a power transmission line increases with

  1. Increase in diameter of the conductor
  2. Decrease in line length
  3. Increase in spacing between the phase conductors
  4. Increase in load current carried by the conductor

Answer.3. Increase in spacing between the phase conductors


The inductance of transmission line is given by

[katex]L = \dfrac{{{\mu _o}}}{\pi } \times \ln \left( {\dfrac{D}{{{r^\iota }}}} \right)[/katex]


D = distance between the conductor

r’ = radius of the conductor

[katex]L \propto \ln \left( {\dfrac{D}{{{r^\iota }}}} \right)[/katex]

Hence inductance is directly proportional to the distance between the conductor. If we increase the spacing between the conductors then inductance will also increase.


Ques.34. The following are various energy sources:

  1. Solar
  2. Wind
  3. Tidal
  4. Wave
  5. Geo-thermal

From the above energy sources, renewable energy sources are

  1. 1 and 2 only
  2. 1, 2, and 4
  3. 1, 2, and 3
  4. All the energy sources mentioned above

Answer.D. All the energy sources mentioned above


Resources that can be renewed by nature again and again so that their supply is not adversely affected by the rate of their consumption are called renewable sources of energy. E.g are solar, tidal, wind, geothermal, etc.


Ques.35. An ideal air-core coil has an inductance of 2 mH. The number of turns of the coil is doubled and its length is halved. Assuming that the inner cross-sectional area of the core remains constant the new inductance of this altered air-core coil is

  1. 8 mH
  2. 16 mH
  3. 4 mH
  4. 32 mH

Answer.2. 16 mH


Self-inductance of the solenoid is given by

[katex]{L_1} \propto \dfrac{{{N^2}}}{l} = 2mH[/katex]………(1)

Now the number of turns in the coil is doubled and the length is halved

N = 2N2

l = l/2

[katex]{L_2} = \dfrac{{{{(2N)}^2}}}{{l/2}}[/katex]……..(2)

Dividing equation 1 and 2

[katex]\dfrac{{{L_2}}}{{{L_1}}} = \dfrac{{8{N^2}}}{l} \times \frac{l}{{{N^2}}}[/katex]

L2 = 8 × 2 = 16 mH


Ques.36. An electrostatic field is given by [katex]E = \left( {\dfrac{x}{2} + 2y} \right)\widehat i + 2x\widehat j[/katex] V / m . Find the work done in moving a point charge Q = −20 μC from the origin to (4,0,0) m. [katex](\widehat i,\widehat j)[/katex] are the unit vectors along x,y-axis.

  1. 80 µJ
  2. 40 µJ
  3. 40 kJ
  4. 80 J

Answer.1. 80 μJ


The electrostatic field is given by

[katex]E = \left( {\dfrac{x}{2} + 2y} \right)\widehat i + 2x\widehat j[/katex]

The work is done in moving a point charge Q = −20 μC from the origin (0, 0, 0) to point (4, 0, 0)

W = V × Q

The  potential difference from point A to B is given by

[katex]V = – \int\limits_A^B {\overrightarrow E .\overrightarrow {dl} }[/katex]

As y ordinate doesn’t change along the path, therefore, y = 0, then dy = 0

[katex]V = – \int\limits_0^4 {\dfrac{1}{2}xdx = – \dfrac{1}{4}\left[ {{x^2}} \right]_0^4}[/katex]

V = −4 V

W = V × Q

W = −4 × −20

W = 80 μJ


Ques.37. The effective charge flowing through a wire is given by, q = 5t sin 4πt mC. Calculate the instantaneous current flowing at time t=0.5 s.

  1. 31.4 mA
  2. 0 A
  3. 2.5 mA
  4. 3.14 mA

Answer.1. 31.4 mA


Charge flow q = 5t sin 4πt

The rate of flow of electrical charge is given by

I = dq/dt

I = d[5t sin 4πt]/dt

I = [5 sin(4πt) + 5t × 4π cos(4πt)]

t = 0.5 sec

I = [5 sin(2π) + 20π × 0.5 cos(2π)]

I = [0 +  10π × 1]

I = 10π = 10 × 3.14

I = 31.4 mA


Ques.38. A circuit with a resistor, inductor, and capacitor in series has a resonant frequency of fo Hz. If all the component values are now doubled, the new resonant frequency is

  1. 2fo
  2. fo/2
  3. fo/4
  4. fo

Answer.2. fo/2


The resonant frequency for series R-L-C circuit is given by

[katex]{f_o} = \dfrac{1}{{2\pi \sqrt {LC} }}[/katex]——(1)

Now inductor and capacitor value is doubled the above equation becomes

[katex]{f_1} = \dfrac{1}{{2\pi \sqrt {2L \times 2C} }}[/katex]——(2)

Dividing equation 2 from 1 we get

[katex]\begin{array}{l}\dfrac{{{f_1}}}{{{f_o}}} = \dfrac{1}{{4\pi \sqrt {LC} }} \times 2\pi \sqrt {LC} \\\\{f_1} = \dfrac{{{f_o}}}{2}\end{array}[/katex]


Ques.39. The inductance of a certain moving-iron ammeter is expressed as [katex]L = 10 + 3\theta – \dfrac{{{\theta ^2}}}{4}\mu H[/katex] where θ is the deflection in radians from the zero position. The control spring torque is 25 × 106 Nm/radian. The deflection of the pointer in radians, when the meter carries a current of 5 A RMS is

  1. 2.4
  2. 2.0
  3. 1.2
  4. 1.0

Answer.3. 1.2


Given inductance

[katex]L = 10 + 3\theta – \dfrac{{{\theta ^2}}}{4}\mu H[/katex]

Control spring torque (K) = 25 × 106 Nm/radian

Current I = 5A

The pointer will come to rest at a position where controlling torque TC, is equal to the deflecting torque Td

TC = Td

[katex]\begin{array}{l}25{\rm{ }} \times {\rm{ }}{10^{ – 6}} \times \theta = \dfrac{1}{2}{(5)^2}\dfrac{{d\left( {10 + 3\theta – \dfrac{{{\theta ^2}}}{4}} \right)}}{{d\theta }}\\\\25{\rm{ }} \times {\rm{ }}{10^{ – 6}} \times \theta = \dfrac{1}{2}{(5)^2} \times \left( {3 – \dfrac{\theta }{2}} \right) \times {10^{ – 6}}\\\\\theta = \dfrac{1}{2}\left( {3 – \dfrac{\theta }{2}} \right)\end{array}[/katex]

5θ/2 =3

θ = 1.2 rad


Ques.40. The open-loop gain-bandwidth product of an op-amp is given as 10,000 Hz. The op-amp is used in an inverting amplifier as shown in the figure. The bandwidth of the inverting amplifier is

  1. 2000 Hz
  2. 1000 Hz
  3. 10000 Hz
  4. 5000 Hz

Answer.1. 2000 Hz



Gain × bandwidth = 10,000 Hz

Applying nodal analysis at Vin and V

(Vin − 0)/20 = (0 − Vo)/100

Vin /20 = − Vo/100

Gain = |Vo/Vin| = 5

∵ Gain × bandwidth = 10,000 Hz

= 5 × bandwidth = 10,000 Hz

Bandwidth = 10000/5

Bandwidth = 2000 Hz

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