Due to which of the following reasons excessive bandwidth in control systems should be avoided?

Due to which of the following reasons excessive bandwidth in control systems should be avoided?

Right Answer is:

It leads to slow speed of response


The noise power is evenly distributed over all RF and microwave frequencies are called white noise. The power spectral density of white noise is constant over frequency, which implies that noise power is proportional to bandwidth. So if the measurement bandwidth is doubled, the detected noise power will double.

Thermal white noise power is defined by


where N is the noise power

k = 1.380 x 10-23 J/K is Boltzmann’s constant

T is the temperature

B is the noise bandwidth


  • Excessive Bandwidth causes an increase in the noise with the same proportion as the bandwidth.
  • Hence, noise is not good for any signal therefore the excessive bandwidth is not desirable.
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