_______ of an alternator can be obtained using zero power factor method.

_______ of an alternator can be obtained using zero power factor method.

Right Answer is:

Voltage regulation


Voltage regulation of an alternator can be obtained using the zero power factor method.

Detailed Explanation

ZPF or Potier triangle method:

  • This method depends on the separation of the leakage reactance of armature and its effects.
  • It is used to obtain the leakage reactance and field current equivalent of armature reaction.
  • It is also called a general method of voltage regulation.
  • It is the most accurate method of voltage regulation.
  • For calculating the regulation, it requires open circuit characteristics and zero power factor characteristics.

​The following assumptions are made in this method.

  • The armature resistance is neglected.
  • The O.C.C taken on no-load accurately represents the relation between MMF and voltage on load.
  • The leakage reactance voltage is independent of excitation.
  • The armature reaction MMF is constant.
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