The fully controlled thyristor converter in the figure is fed from a single-phase source. When the firing angle is 0°, the DC output voltage of the converter is 300 V. What will be the output voltage for a firing angle of 60°, assuming continuous conduction?

The fully controlled thyristor converter in the figure is fed from a single-phase source. When the firing angle is 0°, the DC output voltage of the converter is 300 V. What will be the output voltage for a firing angle of 60°, assuming continuous conduction?

Right Answer is:



The output voltage of a fully controlled single-phase rectifier is given by

Vo = 2Vmcosα/π

Now at α = 0° Dc output is 300 V

300 =2Vmcos0°/π

300 =2Vm/π————(1)

For firing angle 60° the output voltage will be

Vo = 2Vmcos60°/π

Putting the value of 2Vm/π in equation 1 we get

Vo = 300cos60°

Vo = 150 V

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