Which of the following instrument is undesirable for measurement of AC values?

Which of the following instrument is undesirable for measurement of AC values?

Right Answer is:

The permanent magnet moving coil type


Permanent Magnets Moving Coil “PMMC” Instrument 

  • These instruments are used either as ammeters or voltmeters and are suitable for d.c. work only.
  • This type of instrument is based on the principle that when a current-carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, the mechanical force acts on the conductor.
  • The coil placed in the magnetic field and carrying the operating current is attached to the moving system.
  • With the movement of the coil, the pointer moves over the scale to indicate the electrical quantity being measured. This type of movement is known as the D’Arsonval movement.
  • The PMMC type instrument can be used for measuring the DC value.
Meter Measuring quantity
Permanent Magnet Type ammeter DC current
Induction type ammeter AC current
Moving iron voltmeter AC and DC voltage
Moving iron ammeter AC and DC current

Dynamometer type  and the Moving iron instrument can be used to measure the A.C and D.C

  • Whatever the direction of the current in the coil of the instrument, the iron vanes are so magnetized that there is always a force of attraction in the attraction type and repulsion in the repulsion type of instruments.
  • Thus, moving iron instruments are unpolarised instruments i.e. they are independent of the direction in which the current passes. Therefore, the instruments can be used on both ac and dc.
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