The gauss-Seidel iterative method can be used for solving a set of

The gauss-Seidel iterative method can be used for solving a set of

Right Answer is:

The linear algebraic equation only


  • Load flow study determines the operating state of the system for a given loading.
  • Load flow solves a set of simultaneous non-linear algebraic power equations for the two unknown variables (|V| and ∠δ) at each node in a system.
  • The output of the load flow analysis is the voltage and phase angle, real and reactive power (both sides in each line), line losses, and slack bus power.
  • Gauss seidel, Newton Raphson, and the Fast decoupled load flow method are the different load flow methods.
  • The number of iterations required for convergence of a load flow algorithm increases significantly with the increase of the number of buses with the G-S load flow algorithm.
  • The fast decoupled load flow method gives an approximate load flow solution because it uses several assumptions. Accuracy depends on the power mismatch vector tolerance.
  • The fast decoupled load flow method is an extension of the Newton-Raphson method formulated in polar coordinates with certain approximations, which results in a fast algorithm for load flow solution.
  • The fast decoupled method requires a greater number of iterations than the Newton-Raphson method.

The advantages of the Gauss-Seidel method are:-

  1.  A simple algebraic equation is used hence it requires less number arithmetic operations to complete iteration and therefore the time required for each iteration is less
  2. The need for computer memory is less.
  3. This method is most suitable for a small size network.
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