SSC JE Basic Electrical Questions (2009 – 2018) Solved | MES Electrical

Ques.21. Tellegen’s theorem is based on the principle of law of_______. (SSC 2018 -S-1)

  1. Conservation of charge
  2. Conservation of Mass
  3. Conservation of Velocity
  4. Conservation of Energy

Answer.4. Conservation of Energy


Tellegen’s theorem is one of the most powerful theorems in network theory. The physical interpretation of Te|legen‘s theorem is the conservation of power. As per the theorem, the sum of powers delivered to or absorbed by all branches of a given lumped network is equal to 0 i.e. the power delivered by the active elements of a network is completely absorbed by the passive elements at each instant of time.

Tellegen’s theorem depends on KCL and KVL but not on the type of the elements. Tellegen theorem can be applied to any network linear or non-linear, active or passive, time-variant or time-invariant.


Ques.22.Calculate the phase angle between the voltage and current phasor of a series RL circuit having the resistance of 65 Ohms and Inductive reactance of 37.53 ohms when supplied by a frequency of 60 Hz. (SSC 2018 -S-1)

  1. 15°
  2. 30°
  3. 45°
  4. 60°

Answer.2. 30°


The phase angle θ of a series RL circuit is given as

θ = tan−1(X⁄ R)


XL = Inductive Reactance = 37.53

R = Resistance = 65

θ = tan−1(37.53 ⁄ 65)

θ = tan−1(0.57)

θ = 30°


Ques.23. Calculate the value of the resonant frequency (in kHz) of a tank circuit having the capacitance of 0.01 mF and inductance of 0.01 mH? (SSC 2018 -S-1)

  1. 0.1591
  2. 1.591
  3. 15.91
  4. 159.1

Answer.3. 15.91



Inductance L = 0.01 mH = 0.01 × 10−3

Capacitance C = 0.01 mF = 0.01 × 10−3

The resonance frequency of an L-C tank circuit is given as

[latex]\begin{array}{l}{f_{LC}} = \dfrac{1}{{2\pi \sqrt {LC} }}\\\\ = \dfrac{1}{{2\pi \sqrt {0.01 \times {{10}^{ – 3}} \times 0.01 \times {{10}^{ – 3}}} }}\\\\ = \dfrac{{{{10}^3}}}{{2\pi \times 0.01}}\\\\{f_{LC}} = 15.91kHz\end{array}[/latex]


Ques.24. Calculate the induced emf (in V) in the inductor of a series RL circuit having the inductance of 1.8 H and resistance of 90 Ohms after 20 milli-seconds when supplied by a 20 V DC source. (SSC 2018 -S-1)

  1. 7.36
  2. 10.03
  3. 14.76
  4. 20

Answer.1. 7.36



Inductance L = 1.8 H

Resistance R = 90 Ohms

Voltage V = 20 V

Time = 20 ms = 20 × 10−3

The current in an RL series circuit is given as

[latex display=”true”]{I_{\left( t \right)}} = \dfrac{V}{R}\left( {1 – {e^{ – Rt/L}}} \right)[/latex]

The voltage drop across the inductor is

VL = L(di/dt)

The Circuit is shown in the figure



[latex]\begin{array}{l}{I_{\left( t \right)}} = \dfrac{V}{R}\left( {1 – {e^{ – Rt/L}}} \right)\\\\{V_L} = L \times \dfrac{{20}}{R}\left( {{e^{ – Rt/L}}} \right)\dfrac{R}{L}\\\\{V_L} = 20\left( {{e^{ – Rt/L}}} \right)\\\\{V_L} = 20\left( {{e^{ – \dfrac{{20 \times {{10}^{ – 3}} \times 90}}{{1.8}}}}} \right)\\\\{V_L} = 20 \times {e^{ – 1}}\\\\{V_L} = 20 \times 0.367\\\\{V_L} = 7.35V\end{array}[/latex]


Ques.25. A delta connected 3-phase circuit has three resistance of 36 Ohms in each phase. What is the value of per phase resistance (in ohms) of the equivalent star connected circuit? (SSC 2018 -S-1)

  1. 12
  2. 36
  3. 84
  4. 108

Answer.1. 12


Delta (Δ) to (Y) star conversion: We can convert the delta connection into its equivalent star connection with the following equations:

delta to star


So, the equivalent the impedance of each branch of the star connection is obtained by the multiplication of the impedances of the two delta branches that meet at its end divided by the sum of three delta impedances.

RA, RB, RC = Product of an adjacent resistor ⁄  Sum of all resistor in delta


RAB = RBC = RCA = 36Ω

Therefore the delta to star conversion will be

delta to star1

[latex]\begin{array}{l}{R_A} = \dfrac{{{R_{AB}} \times {R_{CA}}}}{{{R_{AB}} + {R_{BC}} + {R_{CA}}}}\\\\{R_A} = \dfrac{{36 \times 36}}{{36 + 36 + 36}}\\\\{R_A} = 12\Omega \\\\{R_B} = \dfrac{{{R_{BC}} \times {R_{AB}}}}{{{R_{AB}} + {R_{BC}} + {R_{CA}}}}\\\\{R_B} = \dfrac{{36 \times 36}}{{36 + 36 + 36}}\\\\{R_B} = 12\Omega \\\\{R_C} = \dfrac{{{R_{CA}} \times {R_{BC}}}}{{{R_{AB}} + {R_{BC}} + {R_{CA}}}}\\\\{R_C} = \dfrac{{36 \times 36}}{{36 + 36 + 36}}\\\\{R_C} = 12\Omega \end{array}[/latex]

So the value of per phase resistor in the equivalent star connection is 12 ohms.


Ques.26. Calculate the power factor of an AC circuit having the impedance of 16 Ohms, if a 4 A current flows through it and its average power consumption is 200 W. (SSC 2018 -S-1)

  1. 0.68
  2. 0.78
  3. 0.88
  4. 0.98

Answer.2. 0.78


Power consumption in an AC circuit is given as

P = VI cosφ


Impedance Z = 16Ω

Current I = 4A

Power = 200 W

Power factor cosφ = ?

Voltage V = I × Z = 16 × 4 = 64 V

200  = 64 × 4 × cosφ

cosφ = 0.78

Power Factor = 0.78


Ques.28.  A circuit having the power factor of 0.8 consumes 40 W. What will be the value of reactive power (in VAR) of the circuit? (SSC 2018 -S-1)

  1. 20
  2. 40
  3. 30
  4. 10

Answer.3. 30


The power triangle or Impedance triangle of the AC circuit is shown Below

Reactive power 2

Cosφ = Base ⁄ Hypotenuse = Active Power  ⁄ Apparent Power
Active Power = Apparent power × Cosφ
Sinφ = Perpendicular ⁄ Hypotenuse = Reactive Power  ⁄ Apparent Power

Reactive Power = Apparent power × Sinφ


Reactive Power = (Active Power × Sinφ) ⁄ Cosφ

cosφ = 0.8

Sin2φ = 1 − cos2φ

Sin2φ = 1 − (0.8)2

Sinφ = 0.6

Reactive Power =(40 × 0.6) ⁄ 0.8

Reactive Power = 30 VAR


Ques.29. Which of the following material does not allow the current to flow in it? (SSC 2018 S-2)

  1. Conductor
  2. Insulator
  3. Semiconductor
  4. Superconductor

Answer.2. Insulator


When an electric field is applied to a conductor, there occurs a large scale physical movement of free electrons because these are available in large numbers in Conductor.

On the other hand, if an electric field is applied to an insulator, there is hardly any movement of free electrons because these are just not available in an insulator. Plastics, wood, and rubber are examples of good insulators. Pure water is also an insulator. Tap water, however, contains salts that form ions which can move through the liquid, making it a good conductor.

The insulator is also called the dielectric. There are practically no free electrons in the dielectric. The electrons in dielectric normally remain bounds to their respective molecules.

There are some materials, called semiconductors, which are intermediate between conductors and insulators.

Superconducting materials are the materials that conduct electricity without resistance below a certain temperature. Superconductivity is one of the most exciting phenomena in Physics, because of the peculiar nature and the wide application of this phenomenon. This phenomenon of superconductivity was first discovered by a Dutch physicist, H.K. Onnes. Superconducting materials are having very good electrical and magnetic properties. Before the discovery of superconductors, it is believed that the electrical resistivity of the material becomes zero, only at the absolute temperature.


Ques.30. How much power (in W) will be dissipated by a 5 Ohm resistor in which the value of current is 2 A? (SSC 2018 S-2)

  1. 10
  2. 30
  3. 20
  4. 40

Answer.3. 20



Resistance R = 5Ω

Current I = 2 A

Power dissipated by the resistor is

P = I2R

P = 22 × 5

P = 20 watts

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