VLSI Design Testability MCQ Quiz – Objective Question with Answer for VLSI Design Testability

1. Design for testability is considered in the production of chips because:

A. Manufactured chips are faulty and are required to be tested
B. The design of chips is required to be tested
C. Many chips are required to be tested within a short interval of time which yields timely delivery for the customers
D. All of the mentioned

Answer: C

Design for testability is considered in production for chips because many chips are required to be tested within a short interval of time which yields timely delivery for the customers.


2. The functions performed during chip testing are:

A. Detect faults in fabrication
B. Detect faults in design
C. Failures in functionality
D. All of the mentioned

Answer: D

The functions performed during chip testing are detecting faults in fabrication and design failures in functionality.


3. ATPG stands for:

A. Attenuated Transverse wave Pattern Generation
B. Automatic Test Pattern Generator
C. Aligned Test Parity Generator
D. None of the mentioned

Answer: B

ATPG is an Automatic Test Pattern Generator.


4. Delay fault is considered as:

A. Electrical fault
B. Logical fault
C. Physical defect
D. None of the Mentioned

Answer: B

Delay fault is considered a logical fault.


5. A metallic blob present between the drain and the ground of the n-MOSFET inverter acts as:

A. Physical defect
B. Logical fault as output is stuck on 0
C. Electrical fault as resistor short
D. All of the mentioned

Answer: D

A metallic blob present between the drain and the ground of the n-MOSFET inverter acts as a Physical defect, a Logical fault as output is stuck on 0, Electrical fault as resistor short.


6. High resistance short present between drain and ground of n-MOSFET inverter acts as:

A. Pull up delay error
B. Logical fault as output is stuck at 1
C. Electrical fault as transistor stuck on
D. All of the mentioned

Answer: A

High resistance short present between drain and ground of n-MOSFET inverter acts as Pull up delay error.


7. The defect present in the following MOSFET is:

A. Logical stuck at 1
B. Logical stuck at 0
C. Physical defect
D. Electrical Transistor stuck open

Answer: D

The dimensions of the gate are less than the distance between source and drain.


8. The fault simulation detects faults by:

A. Test generation
B. Construction of fault Dictionaries
C. Design analysis under faults
D. All of the mentioned

Answer: D

The fault simulation detects faults by

  • Test generation
  • Construction of fault Dictionaries
  • Design analysis under faults


9. The ease with which the controller establishes specific signal values at each node by setting input values is known as:

A. Testability
B. Observability
C. Controllability
D. Manufacturability

Answer: C

Controllability is defined as the ease with which the controller establishes a specific signal value at each node by setting input values.


10. The ease with which the controller determines signal value at any node by setting input values is known as:

A. Testability
B. Observability
C. Controllability
D. Manufacturability

Answer: B

Observability is defined as the ease with which the controller determines signal value at any node by setting input values.

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